ViTrack is a platform with broad applications across multiple markets

ViTrack is a platform technology with applications across the continuum of care

In 2015, with the support of MIT and Tufts, the founding team behind Dynocardia began their search for a fundamentally different approach to the measurement of blood pressure (BP) that can measure automatically, without the participation of the user, caregiver, or healthcare provider. After rigorous bench testing and ongoing clinical studies in the ICU, ViTrack technology is proven to offer accurate continuous, non-invasive blood pressure (cNIBP) monitoring of systolic and diastolic pressure.

In-hospital patient monitoring

In the U.S., among patients who undergo major non-cardiac surgeries and/or require admission to an ICU, 35M are classified as being at high risk for complications, including death. Accurate and continuous cNIBP monitoring made possible via the ViTrack platform can give healthcare providers the insight they need to act quickly to prevent heart attacks, kidney failure, and shock through early intervention. Cost savings could easily add up to $7 billion per year.

Remote patient monitoring

For many millions of people who are at elevated risk of complications due to chronic conditions or disease, ViTrack can relay accurate and continuous BP and hemodynamic data to their healthcare providers in real-time. Moreover, these data can be evaluated against benchmark measures for added insight. Patients who may benefit include:

  • 20M who require emergency medical services every year in the U.S.

  • 6.5M patients who are at high risk after hospital discharge

  • 540K patients who receive haemodialysis

Chronic Disease Management

The lack of timely and accurate readings of BP and other hemodynamic metrics puts billions of people who live with chronic diseases at unnecessary risk of exacerbations and other complications of disease.

For ~1.5 billion people who are living with hypertension (high BP) globally, ViTrack can:

  • Reduce the 30% misdiagnosis rate using 24-hr BP parameters, BP variability (BPV), and nighttime BP measurement capability

  • Improve the less than ~40% BP control rate in underserved populations

  • Prevent stroke, heart attacks, and other complications by enabling better risk predictions

The management of other conditions that can benefit from improved BP control include sleep apnea, heart failure, kidney failure, and pregnancy-induced hypertension, eg, preeclampsia.

Disease prevention and wellness

ViTrack will allow for valuable medical insight into populations for whom continuous BP monitoring was not possible. For example, today, healthcare professionals may not have enough information for the diagnosis of cardiovascular and other diseases early, when they are far easier to treat or manage.

Currently, Dynocardia is conducting studies in healthy individuals to see how the variability of BP correlates to the development of dementia at later ages, which may allow for earlier medical intervention. prevention and wellness

Clinical Trials

When a new treatment is being evaluated in a clinical study, it’s critical for investigators to know as much as possible about its safety and efficacy profile—and to get this information as quickly as possible. ViTrack technology offers investigators an advantage they've never had before: insight in real-time, with accurate and continuous monitoring of BP and other hemodynamic metrics. Study subjects will benefit as well.